Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Starting over.

Recently, I haven't felt so awesome lately. I think it's because a lot of things have happened over the past several months, so much so that it's dizzying, good and bad. My seasonal job came to a close in January, and while I received EXCELLENT reviews during my time there (and had a fantastic time), there's no room for me right now. I'm also coming to terms with the fact that I'm having a difficult time lately physically. My legs hurt more often, as does my back. I often get spasms in the middle of the night, that, while not painful, disrupt my sleep.

Not too long ago, I met someone. We had a lot in common, and while I won't go into too much detail or name names, I was very happy with him. Everything hit me like a ton of bricks and it was unexpected. Things didn't work out, but I was pleased that he came into my life when he did. I'll admit I miss him though. I never thought I'd miss anyone, or have anyone to miss. On the plus side, it shows that you never know what (or who) is around the corner and that maybe there IS someone around the corner for me. For now, I just do what I always do, and that's try to surround myself with good people and family.

I decided that I was getting into too much of a funk with all that was happening and all the stressors I was dealing with. It was time for a new change of scene. I wanted to travel again, this time on a limited budget and just get away for awhile. I honestly wanted to rent a car and go on a road trip, but with gas prices through the roof (and climbing) my stepmother's suggestion to go on a cruise sounded like a nice idea.

Dad dropped us off at the airport before work. Gracie the dog (who is feeling much better by the way) saw us off too.

Lynda and I arrived in Orlando the day before since our ship was to depart from Port Canaveral. I'll admit it, I was excited, but also a bit weary of Disney World. Disney World: Where even a sweatshirt is $70. No thrifting here. No sir. But you know what? I stopped worrying. Even if it was only for a day, it was a gift. Disney truly is the happiest place on Earth. Leave your weary self at the door.

Since we only had a day to walk around, we chose Epcot as our stomping ground. I thought it was really  neat that you got a taste (sometimes literally) of different countries and culture. We weren't able to visit every "country", but we did get Mexico, Canada, France and England in there. Of course, I also stopped to look at the giant Epcot ball. I couldn't go inside though, since it was closed for repairs. Oh well. Pictures anyway!

We ate a lot, and I did my favorite: I people watched while we were in "Paris".

The only things that I found completely disappointing were: 1) I went to an exhibit on energy by Ellen DeGeneres. It was incredibly outdated and there was a lot of information on the environment (that we know currently) left out of the film. When I say outdated, I mean I was probably ten when it first came onto the Disney World scene. Not very enlightening at all. Fun fact: Alex Trebek was also in the movie and he still sported his mustache. Yup. 2) We got a GREAT deal for a 4 star hotel and Lynda and I quickly realized we both missed our Holiday Inn or Best Western. The food at the hotel was awful. All cold food. Mostly stale. (especially breakfast) 

Other then that though, we both had a good time. I'll get to the cruise in my next entry, but before I close, I wanted to say thanks to all who have been reading along on my adventures. It's so appreciated. You all really lift my spirits up and it feels good to write to you all. I'll be taking my blog in a (slightly) new direction. I'll be writing more about Cerebral Palsy, the good and the ugly. I've been assessing my goals and I would love to get back into writing more. I'll be working on a project involving creating a picture book for kids with disabilities, as well as anyone else who would love to read along. I don't know where it will lead me, but I would love to connect with people through writing and reading. I've been a "writer" my whole life, but have never really done anything professionally with it. It's time to start doing. It's time to make those dreams come true.


  1. Go for it Katie! Good to see you here!

  2. Hi Katie! I'm stopping in from WILW and just wanted to say I love how open you are, especially in those first paragraphs, and in the new direction you want to go. So refeshing to see someone being honest and talking about real things!

    Also, that's so funny about the Ellen energy exhibit--why would they still have it? How has no one noticed?

    Good luck with the new direction of the blog!

  3. Hi Katie!! Came across your blog from Meg's Mingle Monday link up and I'm so glad I've found you!

    I too love how you are wearing your emotions on your sleeve and I completely love your attitude about accepting things that happen the way they do! Good for you!!

    How fun to just pick up and travel someday! I hope one day I can do that myself! :-)

    I have a close friend and sorority sister that works at Disney World and the Epcot is her favorite place.

    Looking forward to visiting your blog often!

  4. I'm so glad that you had a chance to grab an escape, even if just for a day. You have the right attitude and that will really affect how the cerebral palsy affects your life. I had a great aunt with cerebral palsy and she refused to let it stop her from doing whatever she wanted.

  5. Wow Caty and Abbey! Thank you! I'm glad you like my blog. Feel free to visit again anytime.

    Abbey I have no idea why they haven't updated it at all. You would think they would attempt it, especially since Ellen has been pretty popular with Disney since Finding Nemo.

    -Caty, it must be so fun for your friend working there! I can see why Epcot is her favorite place, So much to do!

  6. Hi "Fly Girl!" I'm so glad to get back into blogging and reading your blog again. Thank you for your words of wisdom. :) It really picked me up. (Going back to read your comment whenever I have a rough day. ) :)

  7. Hey! Good to hear from you again! I added you to the blogs I read page. :) I haven't been around but I'm making a comeback. So anyway, I'm glad that you were able to escape for a bit.

  8. I love Disney! We hope to go back next summer.

  9. I've given you award!


  10. oh my gosh! Thank you so much Caity! (so sorry that I just found this now)
